Nicholas Lerche-Gredal

Nicholas Lerche-Gredal er partner i Corporate M&A og arbejder primært inden for virksomhedsoverdragelser (M&A), børs- og kapitalmarkedsret, værdipapirhandel, finansieringsret, kommercielle kontrakter og selskabsret, herunder internationale koncernstrukturer og omstruktureringer.
Nicholas rådgiver nordiske og udenlandske virksomheder, kapitalfonde og finansielle virksomheder om M&A transaktioner, corporate governance, incitamentsordninger, W&I forsikring samt selskabs- og kapitalmarkedsforhold og har 20 års erfaring med private equity og ventureinvesteringer inden for et bredt udsnit af virksomhedssektorer.
Derudover rådgiver Nicholas om kapitalmarkedsforhold, herunder ved kapitalmarkedstransaktioner, børsintroduktioner (IPO) og -emissioner, erhvervsobligationer, værdipapirlovgivning, generelle oplysningsforpligtelser, verifikationsprocesser og corporate governance.
- Dansk Forening for Selskabsret
- Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (DVCA)
- Foreningen for Bank- og Finansret
- Nordic Capital Market Forum (NCMF)
- Københavns Advokatforening
Nicholas er anerkendt som 'Highly Regarded' af IFLR1000 inden for 'M&A', 'Banking' og 'Capital Markets'.
"Strong legal skills in general and in particular within M&A. Proactive, good energy, hands-on in assignment execution (you know you are in safe hands with Nicholas). On general client relationship, the strong point of Nicholas is that he is good at taking a holistic perspective on issues while not losing out on the details."
"Very good and wide legal know-how, excellent coordination with other advisers, very well structured."
”Very professional and experienced in the M&A field, very pleasant and productive to work with.”
“Solution oriented and structured. Understands how to balance level of complexity and risk management with the individual deal.”
“Strong support an a positive constructive attitude.”
“Professional, good with clients, understanding and reliable.”
“Nicholas has great knowledge and is very responsive.”

“He is competent and effective, very pleasant to work with.”
“…I was pleased with the responsiveness and depth of experience they showed.”

Nicholas Lerche-Gredal er anerkendt af The Legal 500 inden for 'Commercial og Corporate M&A' og 'Capital Markets'.
"Nicholas Lerche-Gredal, great knowledge of the M&A business, great understanding on how we conduct business and M&A."
“Nicholas Lerche-Gredal is very commercial and pragmatic in his approach with a deep understanding of M&A.”
“Nicholas Lerche-Gredal is a very capable M&A lawyer with a good understanding of ensuring that the M&A process is well suited to the particulars of the target company.”

Incitamentsordninger (DLA Piper Denmark, 2019)