Jens Krogh Petersen

Jens Krogh Petersen har stor erfaring i at lede og drive større transaktioner, herunder virksomhedsoverdragelser, investeringer i virksomheder og restruktureringer.
Han har møderet for landsretten og er anerkendt af IFLR1000, Chambers, Legal 500 og Who's Who Legal inden for 'Corporate M&A', 'Private Equity' og 'Media and Entertainment'.
Jens bistår især danske og udenlandske selskaber og private equity-fonde i forbindelse med køb og salg af virksomheder (M&A). Et stort antal transaktioner har været såkaldte cross-border-transaktioner med enten udenlandske købere eller sælgere. Endvidere har han bistået udenlandske venturekapitalfonde med investeringer i danske selskaber.
Endelig har Jens i en årrække rådgivet danske og udenlandske klienter om aftaler knyttet til rettighedsoverdragelser inden for musik, film og TV.
Aktive Ejere
Foreningen for Entertainment- og Medieret (FEMR)
International Bar Association (IBA)
International Association of Entertainment Lawyers (IAEL)
- Jens har bistået Xero Limited, en førende global udbyder af softwareløsninger, med betroet rådgivning i forbindelse med køb af Planday A/S, en platform for medarbejderledelse med mere end 350.000 brugere på tværs af Europa og England.
- Jens har bistået Sapiens International Corporation i forbindelse med købet af Tia Technology A/S, der er en førende dansk leverandør af digitale softwareløsninger.
- Jens har bistået den japanske teknologikoncern, NEC Corporation, som forhandlingsleder i forbindelse med deres køb af KMD, der er Danmarks største IT-leverandør til den offentlige sektor.
Partner, DLA Piper Denmark, siden 2017
Partner, LETT (DLA Piper Denmark), 2012-2017
Partner, Lind Cadovius, 2002-2012
Advokat, Lind Cadovius, 1998-2002
Advokat, Philip & Partnere, 1996-1998
Advokat, Koch-Nielsen & Grønborg, 1994-1996
Advokatfuldmægtig, Koch-Nielsen & Grønborg, 1992-1994
Advokatfuldmægtig, Husen Advokater, 1991-1992
Jens er anerkendt som 'Highly regarded' af IFLR1000 inden for 'Corporate M&A' og 'Private Equity'.
"Knowledgeable, business-oriented, factual, timely, professional and with a good sense of humour. Besides he demonstrates leadership and relevant delegation."
"He was very commercially astute and was able to take a 'bigger picture' view when confronted with an issue. He was also able to present creative solutions to problems when they arose."
"Jens is a brilliant lawyer, very hard working and a great communicator. At the same time, he and his team are great at anticipating issues to which they then develop a great solution."
IFLR Restructuring deal of the year:
Jens Krogh Petersen was head of the team representing the bank syndicate financing the APCOA transaction and involved in the subsequent restructuring.

Jens er anerkendt af The Legal 500 inden for 'Commercial, Corporate and M&A' samt 'Media and Entertainment'.
"Jens Krogh Petersen is outstanding in providing attention to the matter at hand as well as facilitating assistance in a swift and smooth way from fellow lawyers with other fields of expertise if needed. Moreover, he is very pleasant to work with and has a good eye for combining legal and commercial issues."
"Jens Krogh Petersen – straight forward, advisory, competent and likeable! He shows a strong combination of competence, seniority, and personality."
"DLA Piper is large in Denmark and has an international approach to the tasks that no other law firm has in Denmark. In addition, their network ensures an international perspective. DLA Piper is among the leading lawyers in M&A and Insolvency."
"The team is commercially focused – getting the deal done and attention to what really matters in the negotiations. Ability to draw on highly specialised people within DLA worldwide."
"The skillset and experience is generated from the long experience and competencies of Jens Krogh Petersen."
"DLA Piper has a strong corporate and M&A practice and is furthermore good in general commercial law"
"DLA Piper has a clear benefit from its international network."
"Highly professional and experienced. Exceptional document drafting and messaging to clients. First rate responsiveness."
"Jens Krogh Petersen is very good and commercial-minded."
Inden for 'Media & Entertainment', siger vores klienter:
"Jens Krogh Petersen is simply the best lawyer I ever dealt with. Super smart and intelligent, and always takes the time to make sure I understand everything."
"Jens Krogh Petersen is a leading adviser within the music and entertainment industry."
"They are simply better in this field than anyone else, and are great people who always make you feel that they have tons of time for you! Cannot speak more highly of them, especially Jens Krogh Petersen who is my go to person!"
"Super intelligent and at the same time so likeable!"

"I found DLA Piper, and Jens Krogh Petersen in particular, skilled and competent. Jens did a great job of listening to what our goals were and provided practical advice for how to meet those goals. He is a talented practitioner with great advice."

Jens Krogh Petersen er anbefalet af Who's Who Legal inden for 'Entertainment'.