Global M&A Intelligence Report 2024

21 Aug 2024

Our annual Global M&A Intelligence Report enables you to think strategically about what lies ahead when doing deals.

The latest edition of our report will provide analysis of key global terms of over 5,500 private M&A transactions over the last 10 years. The report will also highlight key M&A dealmaking considerations and trends in key geographies and how hot topics in the current market are impacting M&A.

Dive into a wealth of insights that will empower your strategic decision-making.

This year’s report delivers expanded content on topics including:

  • M&A trend and development in key markets (UK, US, Germany, France, Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Australasia)
  • Data trends
    • Comparing buyer and seller approaches to M&A
    • Auctions v bilateral deals – are deal terms converging
  • M&A Databank on 2023 deals
  • Market trends in M&A
    • Buy-side insurance
    • Perspectives from the M&A insurance market and related claims insights (contribution from AON)
    • AI trends in M&A
    • ESG in M&A
    • "Higher for longer" debt
    • Merger Control, FDI and FSR
    • Privacy and data security issues in M&A

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