Linnea Liv Grønborg

Linnea Liv Grønborg deals primarily with real estate and advises both Danish and international clients.
Linnea has extensive experience in commercial and residential lease law as well as strong legal expertise in real estate transactions, in the form of both asset and share transfers, involving existing commercial and residential rental properties, development projects and large real estate portfolios. She has experience in various areas, including conducting due diligence processes as part of a wide range of transactions concerning large and complex real estate portfolios for both Danish and international investors, development projects, contract drafting and project management.
- Linnea advised HLM on the sale of HLM's Fund I to Viga Real Estate
- Linnea was involved in advising on AM Alpha's acquisition of the iconic building ‘The Square’ in Copenhagen
- Linnea was involved in advising on Aberdeen Standard Investment's acquisition of the rental property Vogterhuset located in Denmark’s third-largest town Odense
Attorney, DLA Piper Denmark, since 2025
Attorney, Lundgrens, 2024-2025
Attorney, Gangsted Law Firm, 2021-2024
Attorney, Bech-Bruun, 2020-2021
Assistant Attorney, Bech-Bruun, 2018-2020
Assistant Attorney, Deas A/S, 2017-2018