Services DLA_Ikon_Hospitality_and_Leisure-02 Corporate M&A DLA_Ikon_Ansættelsesret_01 Employment DLA_Ikon_Energi og infrastruktur_01 Energy and Infrastructure DLA_Ikon_Finans_01 Finance DLA_Ikon_Hospitality_and_Leisure-02 Intellectual Property and Technology DLA_Ikon_Hospitality_and_Leisure-02 International Trade, Regulatory and Government Affairs DLA_Ikon_Insolvens og rekonstruktion_01 Insolvency and Restructuring DLA_Ikon_Hospitality_and_Leisure-02 Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations DLA_Ikon_FastEjendom_01 Real Estate DLA_Ikon_Skatteret_01 Tax
ServicesAll employees related to Intellectual Property and TechnologyRead more about Intellectual Property and Technology
Services (field_services) - Any -EmploymentEmployment Litigation and Dispute ResolutionProtecting Business AssetsGlobal Employment Law ComplianceInternational Corporate ReorganizationsInternational trade, investment, regulation and complianceDiversity, Discrimination and Equal PayEmployee and Labor RelationsWorkforce Restructuring and OutsourcingPensions and RewardCapital Markets and Listed CompaniesCorporate law and Corporate GovernanceInternational Corporate ReorganizationsGlobal Investment FundsPrivate equityEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalMergers and Acquisitions (M&A)Corporate M&APublic Private PartnershipsInfrastructureShipping and TransportEnergy and Utilities Energy and InfrastructureLandlord and Tenant Law for Commercial and Residential LeasesBuilding and ConstructionPlanning, Use of Areas and EnvironmentTransactionsPublic and Quasi-Public Construction ProjectsSocial HousingProperty DevelopmentReal EstateExport CreditsAsset Finance (aircraft, vessels, wind turbines, etc.)Regulatory issues in the financial sector Acquisition FinanceStructured Finance and SecuritizationFinanceData Protection and PrivacyIT ContractsMedia, Sport, and EntertainmentTrademark, designs and CopyrightIntellectual Property and TechnologyRestructuring modelsInsolvency and RestructuringIssues concerning GreenlandMuncipal and Administrative LawGlobal Governance and ComplianceCompetition LawInternational Trade, Regulatory and Government AffairsPublic procurementLife SciencesDisputes in the Business SectorDisputes Involving the Public SectorInternational ArbitrationConstruction DisputesInsurance and Liability DisputesCorporate and Regulatory InvestigationsLitigation, Arbitration and InvestigationsTaxIndirect taxesInternational Corporate ReorganizationsVATCustom DutiesTaxNatural ressourcesShipping and TransportEnergy og forsyning [EN translation missing]Patent Prosecution and Strategic Patent CounselingInternational ReconstructionInternational Insolvency LawFinTechCore insolvency areasBankruptcy litigationLegal Assistance to Creditors and Mortgagees/ChargeesConstructionCorporate CrimeCorporatePublic ProcurementPublic SectorTax Real EstateIntellectual Property and Technology Employment Corporate RestructuringLitigation and regulatory FinanceNordic servicesCookies and ePrivacyMarketing and consumer lawTest serviceCorporateEmploymentFinanceIntellectual Property and TechnologyDispute ResolutionTaxRestructuringServices SECapital MarketsEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalGlobal Investment FundsMergers and AcquisitionsPrivate equityPublic Company and Corporate GovernanceMedia, Sport, Gaming and EntertainmentTrademark and CopyrightAdministrative LawInternational TradeConstruction, Engineering and Infrastructure DisputesInternational ArbitrationInfrastructure FinancePublic Private Partnerships and PFIEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalGlobal Investment FundsPrivate EquityPublic Company and Corporate GovernanceFinanceLitigation and regulatory RestructuringCorporate Employment Intellectual Property and Technology Real EstateTax Services FICorporate M&AEmploymentFinanceIntellectual Property and TechnologyInternational Trade, Regulatory and Government Affairs Public ProcurementDispute Resolution, Litigation and ArbitrationReal EstateRestructuringTaxPrivate EquityEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalFinTechMergers and AcquisitionsState aidServices NODefenceNuclearSocial InfrastructureTransportWater and WasteTrade and Commodity FinanceFranchisePatent LitigationPatent Prosecution and Strategic Patent CounselingTechnology Transactions and Strategic SourcingTelecomAviation Litigation and RegulationEU Law and PolicyGlobal Governance and ComlianceInternational Business and Human RightsProduct Liability, Mass Torts and Product StewardshipUS Law and PolicyWhite Collar and Corporate CrimeAviation Litigation and RegulatoryCross-Border LitigationEmployment Litigation and Dispute ResolutionEnvironment, Health and SafetyGlobal Governance and ComplianceIT and Telecom DisputesMerger ControlPatent LitigationProduct Liability, Mass Torts and StewardshipTax Controversy and DisputesWhite Collar and Corporate CrimePlanning, Zoning and BuildingM&AReal EstateUtleiers ABC - en praktisk tilnærming til meglerstandardeneMeglerstandardeneCompliance and Risk Management Competition, Antitrust & the EEAForsikringsrettUtviklingsABC - fra erverv via utvikling til realisasjonTransaksjonsABC - verdiene materialiserer segInsuring risks in Norway ServicesMiningGældssaneringWhistleblowerordningSelskabsstiftelse – alt du bør vide om selskabsstiftelseOprettelse af anpartsselskab - ApSOprettelse af aktieselskab – A/SDue diligence Investering i udlejningsejendomme ProjektfinansieringHoldingselskaber Børsnotering EjendomsinvesteringBygherrerådgivningUdbudsrundeUdbudsmateriale til byggerietAB18Compliance and InvestigationsVenturekapitalSalg af virksomhederVirksomhedskøb GDPR-reglerGDPR bøder i DanmarkLov om databeskyttelseBrud på GDPR InsolvensKonkursbegæringKonkursbehandling KonkurskarantæneKonkursordenenLikvidation – Sådan opløses et selskabLukning af virksomhederTvangsopløsningM&A advokater | Flest gennemførte M&A transaktionerGovernment contractingErhvervsrådgivningKurator VirksomhedsfusionerAntitrust & CompetitionVores skatteadvokater i AarhusVores skatteadvokater i KøbenhavnPublic ProcurementRegulatoryData Privacy and Information SecurityQ&A om konkursAIM&A and Commercial ContractsGoing GlobalTechnology and SourcingEmploymentArtificial Intelligence and Data AnalyticsAdded servicesSustainability & ESGEnergy and Natural ResourcesQ&A IP og VaremærkerQ&A om GDPRQ&A om Mergers and acquisitionsQA om Aktieprogrammer DLA Piper Denmarks udbudshotline - Gratis udvidet udbudshotlineQ&A om ESGCyber SecurityQ&A om AdvokaterEnvironmental lawConstruction lawESGEnergy, Infrastructure and Industrial AssetsESG Parent group Christian Kragelund Copenhagen Partner +45 24 37 86 95 Anette Moll Berg Copenhagen Partner +45 23 42 24 68 Jon Lauritzen Copenhagen Partner +45 40 73 58 16 Niels Ankerstjerne Sloth Aarhus Partner +45 20 87 73 33 Marlene Winther Plas Copenhagen PartnerHead of IPT, Denmark +45 22 47 82 18 Martin Lavesen Copenhagen PartnerCountry Managing Partner +45 40 18 00 81 Martin Hjørlund Nielsen Copenhagen AttorneyDirector +45 24 37 43 14 Christina Nedergaard Strøm Kristensen Aarhus AttorneySenior Associate +45 24 65 47 21 Anders Hosbond Nielsen Aarhus AttorneyDirector +45 28 55 97 84 Sarah Paustian Sander Copenhagen Attorney +45 20 30 45 72 Laura Sejr Aarhus Attorney +45 50 55 17 22 Josephine Bloch Thomsen Copenhagen AttorneySenior Associate +45 22 43 98 22 Pernille Fagerberg Copenhagen AttorneySenior Associate +45 28 70 81 25 Emma Hvid Rasmussen Copenhagen Attorney + 45 40 32 94 72 Victoria Ørtoft Lykkegård Copenhagen Assistant Attorney + 45 21 34 32 59 Helene Eva Dalsjö Copenhagen Assistant Attorney +45 20 15 09 07 Other employees Services (field_services) - Any -EmploymentEmployment Litigation and Dispute ResolutionProtecting Business AssetsGlobal Employment Law ComplianceInternational Corporate ReorganizationsInternational trade, investment, regulation and complianceDiversity, Discrimination and Equal PayEmployee and Labor RelationsWorkforce Restructuring and OutsourcingPensions and RewardCapital Markets and Listed CompaniesCorporate law and Corporate GovernanceInternational Corporate ReorganizationsGlobal Investment FundsPrivate equityEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalMergers and Acquisitions (M&A)Corporate M&APublic Private PartnershipsInfrastructureShipping and TransportEnergy and Utilities Energy and InfrastructureLandlord and Tenant Law for Commercial and Residential LeasesBuilding and ConstructionPlanning, Use of Areas and EnvironmentTransactionsPublic and Quasi-Public Construction ProjectsSocial HousingProperty DevelopmentReal EstateExport CreditsAsset Finance (aircraft, vessels, wind turbines, etc.)Regulatory issues in the financial sector Acquisition FinanceStructured Finance and SecuritizationFinanceData Protection and PrivacyIT ContractsMedia, Sport, and EntertainmentTrademark, designs and CopyrightIntellectual Property and TechnologyRestructuring modelsInsolvency and RestructuringIssues concerning GreenlandMuncipal and Administrative LawGlobal Governance and ComplianceCompetition LawInternational Trade, Regulatory and Government AffairsPublic procurementLife SciencesDisputes in the Business SectorDisputes Involving the Public SectorInternational ArbitrationConstruction DisputesInsurance and Liability DisputesCorporate and Regulatory InvestigationsLitigation, Arbitration and InvestigationsTaxIndirect taxesInternational Corporate ReorganizationsVATCustom DutiesTaxNatural ressourcesShipping and TransportEnergy og forsyning [EN translation missing]Patent Prosecution and Strategic Patent CounselingInternational ReconstructionInternational Insolvency LawFinTechCore insolvency areasBankruptcy litigationLegal Assistance to Creditors and Mortgagees/ChargeesConstructionCorporate CrimeCorporatePublic ProcurementPublic SectorTax Real EstateIntellectual Property and Technology Employment Corporate RestructuringLitigation and regulatory FinanceNordic servicesCookies and ePrivacyMarketing and consumer lawTest serviceCorporateEmploymentFinanceIntellectual Property and TechnologyDispute ResolutionTaxRestructuringServices SECapital MarketsEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalGlobal Investment FundsMergers and AcquisitionsPrivate equityPublic Company and Corporate GovernanceMedia, Sport, Gaming and EntertainmentTrademark and CopyrightAdministrative LawInternational TradeConstruction, Engineering and Infrastructure DisputesInternational ArbitrationInfrastructure FinancePublic Private Partnerships and PFIEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalGlobal Investment FundsPrivate EquityPublic Company and Corporate GovernanceFinanceLitigation and regulatory RestructuringCorporate Employment Intellectual Property and Technology Real EstateTax Services FICorporate M&AEmploymentFinanceIntellectual Property and TechnologyInternational Trade, Regulatory and Government Affairs Public ProcurementDispute Resolution, Litigation and ArbitrationReal EstateRestructuringTaxPrivate EquityEmerging Growth and Venture CapitalFinTechMergers and AcquisitionsState aidServices NODefenceNuclearSocial InfrastructureTransportWater and WasteTrade and Commodity FinanceFranchisePatent LitigationPatent Prosecution and Strategic Patent CounselingTechnology Transactions and Strategic SourcingTelecomAviation Litigation and RegulationEU Law and PolicyGlobal Governance and ComlianceInternational Business and Human RightsProduct Liability, Mass Torts and Product StewardshipUS Law and PolicyWhite Collar and Corporate CrimeAviation Litigation and RegulatoryCross-Border LitigationEmployment Litigation and Dispute ResolutionEnvironment, Health and SafetyGlobal Governance and ComplianceIT and Telecom DisputesMerger ControlPatent LitigationProduct Liability, Mass Torts and StewardshipTax Controversy and DisputesWhite Collar and Corporate CrimePlanning, Zoning and BuildingM&AReal EstateUtleiers ABC - en praktisk tilnærming til meglerstandardeneMeglerstandardeneCompliance and Risk Management Competition, Antitrust & the EEAForsikringsrettUtviklingsABC - fra erverv via utvikling til realisasjonTransaksjonsABC - verdiene materialiserer segInsuring risks in Norway ServicesMiningGældssaneringWhistleblowerordningSelskabsstiftelse – alt du bør vide om selskabsstiftelseOprettelse af anpartsselskab - ApSOprettelse af aktieselskab – A/SDue diligence Investering i udlejningsejendomme ProjektfinansieringHoldingselskaber Børsnotering EjendomsinvesteringBygherrerådgivningUdbudsrundeUdbudsmateriale til byggerietAB18Compliance and InvestigationsVenturekapitalSalg af virksomhederVirksomhedskøb GDPR-reglerGDPR bøder i DanmarkLov om databeskyttelseBrud på GDPR InsolvensKonkursbegæringKonkursbehandling KonkurskarantæneKonkursordenenLikvidation – Sådan opløses et selskabLukning af virksomhederTvangsopløsningM&A advokater | Flest gennemførte M&A transaktionerGovernment contractingErhvervsrådgivningKurator VirksomhedsfusionerAntitrust & CompetitionVores skatteadvokater i AarhusVores skatteadvokater i KøbenhavnPublic ProcurementRegulatoryData Privacy and Information SecurityQ&A om konkursAIM&A and Commercial ContractsGoing GlobalTechnology and SourcingEmploymentArtificial Intelligence and Data AnalyticsAdded servicesSustainability & ESGEnergy and Natural ResourcesQ&A IP og VaremærkerQ&A om GDPRQ&A om Mergers and acquisitionsQA om Aktieprogrammer DLA Piper Denmarks udbudshotline - Gratis udvidet udbudshotlineQ&A om ESGCyber SecurityQ&A om AdvokaterEnvironmental lawConstruction lawESGEnergy, Infrastructure and Industrial AssetsESG Parent group Majse Wilma Gleerup Copenhagen Legal Trainee +45 21 13 32 25 Rasmus Schmidt-Nielsen Copenhagen Legal Trainee +45 21 75 44 74 Hanya Pedersen Copenhagen Law Student +45 21 14 97 77 Bodil Harjo Copenhagen Paralegal +45 33 34 00 58 Mia Juul Paustian Copenhagen Paralegal +45 33 34 01 62 Eva Ørting Aarhus Brand Protection Paralegal +45 30 35 05 58 Heidi Bruun Rasmussen Copenhagen Brand Protection Paralegal +45 33 34 02 47 Helle Jeanette Andersen Copenhagen Brand Protection Paralegal +45 33 34 04 39
Marlene Winther Plas Copenhagen PartnerHead of IPT, Denmark +45 22 47 82 18
Martin Lavesen Copenhagen PartnerCountry Managing Partner +45 40 18 00 81
Christina Nedergaard Strøm Kristensen Aarhus AttorneySenior Associate +45 24 65 47 21
Josephine Bloch Thomsen Copenhagen AttorneySenior Associate +45 22 43 98 22
Pernille Fagerberg Copenhagen AttorneySenior Associate +45 28 70 81 25
Victoria Ørtoft Lykkegård Copenhagen Assistant Attorney + 45 21 34 32 59
Rasmus Schmidt-Nielsen Copenhagen Legal Trainee +45 21 75 44 74
Heidi Bruun Rasmussen Copenhagen Brand Protection Paralegal +45 33 34 02 47
Helle Jeanette Andersen Copenhagen Brand Protection Paralegal +45 33 34 04 39