Danish software company TimeLog A/S lands double-digit million-kroner investment from Norwegian Viking Venture

19 Nov 2020

DLA Piper has advised Danish PSA software company TimeLog A/S and its existing owners in connection with completing an investment from Norwegian software investor Viking Venture.

TimeLog A/S is a Danish software company specialising in digital PSA (professional services automation) solutions, primarily for consulting businesses.

Viking Venture is a Norwegian investment company investing in fast-growing software companies with the aim of scaling up the companies and their products. Its portfolio of software companies already includes 16 companies.

Viking Venture's investment totals approx. DKK 70m, making Viking Venture the majority shareholder in TimeLog A/S.

TimeLog A/S and its existing owners were advised by DLA Piper Denmark’s Carsten Lorentzen and Nikolaj Schmidt Nielsen.

For further details on the investment, read TimeLog A/S’ press release here.