Ropox has been sold to the Swedish listed company AddLife

07 Oct 2020

Ropox specializes in development and production of products of assistive devices and furniture for people with special needs as well as equipment for ergo and physiotherapy rehabilitation. Ropox has approx. 70 employees and is represented in Denmark, in the UK and uses distributors in the other Nordic, European and overseas markets. The company's activities will continue to be operated from the head office in Denmark, and the former shareholders of company will continue in the management.

AddLife is a listed Swedish Medtech company active on the European market. AddLife owns and acquires market-leading companies in niche segments with offerings aimed primarily at the healthcare sector and within medical care.

The acquisition of Ropox opens up for AddLife to enter into the home care segment in Denmark and provides an addition to the company’s existing Nordic operations relating to home care in the Medtech business area.

Ropox and the ultimate sellers were advised by Karsten Pedersen, Sara Schjørring and Per Kristiansen, DLA Piper Denmark.

Read more about the case here.