Jacob Sparre Christiansen

Jacob Christiansen is highly specialised in the extensive regulation imposed on energy and utility groups as well as in the legal affairs of municipalities.
He has been in charge of a substantial number of reorganisations within the energy and utilities sector, including the carve-out of municipal utilities in a corporate form and mergers, demergers, transfers as well as the conclusion of strategic alliances between energy and utility companies.
Within this area practice, Jacob also provides general advice concerning renewable energy projects. Moreover, Jacob advises industrial organisations across the sector.
Jacob acts as an advisor and sounding board on a daily basis to executive officers and senior staff members in a large number of Danish energy and utility companies.
Within the municipal field, Jacob advises municipalities nationally on the specifics of municipal law, including in relation to the formation of municipal companies.
The Danish Energy Law Society
The Danish Association for Company Law
His advice to municipally owned water and wastewater companies includes regulatory revenue framework, organising energy-production activities, assessment of the framework for carrying out related activities, establishment of 40/60 companies, establishment of joint service companies and potential mergers, conclusion of long-term and strategic alliances, etc.
His advice to heat supply companies includes rate regulation, organising, completion of collective heating supply projects, conclusion of large heat supply contracts, and advice relating to mergers and other alliances. Jacob has acted as advisor on several transactions concerning the sale/purchase of operating heat conveyance facilities and combined heat and power stations. In that connection, Jacob provides advice to municipally owned heat supply companies on the framework for their activities, and, moreover, Jacob has assisted those also engaged in remote cooling activities.
Within the field of electricity supply, Jacob also advises on the revenue framework of electricity network providers, the particular regulatory framework within energy law for organisation, licences, etc., and his advisory services also extend to the area of wind farms and all aspects relating to the acquisition of rights to and erection of wind farms as well as the acquisition of turnkey projects and existing wind farms.
Jacob has advised major municipally owned players on biogas projects and plants, upgrading plants and the framework for the supply of town gas, etc.
In the waste area, Jacob provides advice on the determination of fees and charges, the framework for activities and organisation (including carve-outs to limited liability companies), issues relating to alliances and articles of association, etc.
In addition, Jacob has, over the last many years, held courses tailored to the boards of directors of these companies, focusing on the particular tasks and responsibilities of the boards in the light of the objects and framework conditions of these companies.
Jacob previously lectured in administrative law at Aarhus University.
Jacob is recognized as 'Highly Regarded' by IFLR1000 within 'Energy and Utilities'.
"Competent, professional, client-focused, commercial-oriented and fast responding."

Jacob is recognized by The Legal 500 within 'Energy'.
"Jacob Sparre Christiansen offers great service and master’s his specialty (wastewater regulation in particular) to a degree that is hard to find elsewhere."
"Strong leadership by Jacob Christiansen, who is regarded as a leading expert in his field."
"Jacob Sparre Christiansen is highly qualified and is able to communicate conclusions in a manner that fits the audience."
"The team has broad knowledge and experience in the energy sector. Innovative and focused on finding solutions."
"In addition to providing expert legal advice, Jacob is also very focused on finding legal solutions to problems and is easy to contact and work with. Finally, the response time is very short."
"Jacob Christiansen takes the time to present the case with all the necessary details to win."
"This team is unique in their way of acting quickly and with a high level of professionalism."

Jacob has over the last 20 years authored a vast number of articles/newsletters on energy and utilities law regulations.
Author of “The Annotated Danish Water Sector Act II” (in Danish), published by Karnov Group Denmark in 2017.