Morten Ritter
Morten Ritter specialises in employment and labour law and has, over the last 20 years, gained a wealth of experience within this area. His experience extends to both individual employment law and collective labour law.
Morten acts for both Danish and international clients, and his advisory services span all aspects of labour and employment law.
As a fundamental part of his activities as an attorney, Morten regularly deals with dispute resolution. In this relation, he conducts legal proceedings before the courts and the industrial dispute resolution bodies, including before the Danish Labour Court and industrial arbitration tribunals.
Morten has long-standing experience as a lecturer. He has for a number of years been a part-time lecturer in Labour Law at the University of Copenhagen.
Furthermore, Morten has co-authored a number of articles and books.
AnsættelsesAdvokater (the Danish association of employment and labour law attorneys)
Board member, Foreningen Sport ‘n’ Charity (a Danish sports association supporting children affected by cancer)
“Recruitment restrictions – including no-hire clauses” (published in Danish only), 1st edition, Thomson Reuters, 2009
“Non-solicitation and non-competition clauses” (published in Danish only), 4th edition, Thomson Reuters, 2010