Trine Louise Larsen

Trine Louise Larsen

Trine Louise Larsen specialises in procurement law and public contracts. 

Trine provides advice primarily to contracting authorities, including the Danish State, regions, municipalities, public utility companies and other bodies required to put contracts out to tender, concerning the Danish and EU procurement rules. Trine is recognised by The Legal 500 within ‘EU, Competition and Public Procurement’. 

Her advisory services include the selection of tendering procedure, completion of tender proceedings, drafting of contracts, including interpretation and dispute resolution as well as assessment of amendments to ongoing contracts, etc. 

She has extensive experience of large and complex tendering processes and bodies of contracts. She is experienced in tender proceedings concerning small and large building and construction projects, in which the role of employer is delegated from a social housing association to a private party. 

Trine is widely experienced in conducting complaints proceedings before the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and the courts. Trine also provides advice to private tenderers in connection with the submission of tenders, access to documents and complaints proceedings, etc. In addition, Trine advises on the other special rules applying to public authorities, such as the rules on local-authority mandates.  

Trine lectures on the course Procurement Law Certification provided by Danish course organiser certification of procurement law and has co-authored a chapter of the book “Procurement Law” (published in Danish only), 2019.  

Master of Law, University of Copenhagen
Studies at the University of Adelaide, Australia
Admitted to the Danish Bar

Dansk Forening for Udbudsret (the Danish association for procurement law) 

Recent highlights
  • Trine assisted Jönsson Entreprise A/S in inviting tenders for the construction of 100 social housing units under the Danish Public Procurement Act. The project was completed according to the so-called delegated employer model. Trine assisted in drafting the collaboration agreement and tender documents as well as completing the tender procedure. 
  • Trine acted for Danish passenger transportation company Trafikselskabet Movia in connection with the revision of its tender and contract documents for its annual call for tenders concerning non-specified bus service of an approx. value of DKK 7.8bn. The assignment involved preparing legal documents as well as performing quality assurance of all the updated documents. 
  • Trine acted for the Danish ferry secretariat (Færgesekretariatet) in a call for tenders concerning a standard ferry concept and related services for the use by all island municipalities in Denmark for their purchases of new island ferries. The tender procedure was completed under the Danish Public Procurement Act as one of the relatively few innovation partnerships in Denmark. Trine assisted in the completion of market dialogue, procurement strategy and the drafting of tender documents as well as the completion of the tender procedure. 
Career highlights

Director, DLA Piper Denmark, since 2024 

Part-time secondment, Danish passenger transportation company Trafikselskabet Movia, 2021-2022 

Attorney, DLA Piper Denmark, 2019-2023 

Assistant Attorney, DLA Piper Denmark, 2017-2019 

Assistant Attorney, LETT (DLA Piper Denmark), 2016-2017 

Other positions

Trine lectures on the course Procurement Law Certification provided by Danish course organiser Nohrcon. 

Legal 500

Trine is recognised by The Legal 500 within ‘EU, Competition and Public Procurement’.

"Trine Larsen is especially good at advising and communicating complex legal issues in simple language. Highly professional, understanding and patient. Highly recommended!"

"Mikala Berg Dueholm and Trine Larsen are highly skilled, professional and very easy to work with. I can only recommend this firm."

"DLA Piper is a very competent law firm. They have deep insight. The team is unique, solid, and all round. They are highly dedicated, outstanding collaboration, highly professional. They are understanding and patient."

"DLA Piper always go the extra mile to deliver the highest possible professionalism and share the latest knowledge with their customers."


Co-author of chapter 17 of the book “Procurement Law” (published in Danish only), Ex Tuto, 2019