Higher salary wage compensation to private businesses

03 Apr 2020

The tripartite agreement between the Government and the two sides of industry is being extended through a new agreement that increases the compensation level to private businesses in the wage/salary compensation scheme.  

The wage/salary compensation level for salaried employees and non-salaried employees is increased from DKK 23,000 and DKK 26,000 to DKK 30,000 per month per full-time employee covered by the salary/wage compensation scheme. 
The new compensation level will apply to all applications from 25 March 2020. The businesses that have already received the wage/salary compensation amount will be able to readjust the compensation payment accordingly.
The improvements have been introduced to make the salary/wage compensation scheme more attractive for private businesses and in that way reduce the notice of dismissals due to COVID 19. 


You may find more information about the salary/wage compensation scheme in our previous newsletters: