Michael Klöcker

MBA, Head of Litigation & Regulatory, Denmark
Michael Klöcker

Michael Klöcker specialises in EU and Danish competition law. Michael is Head of Litigation & Regulatory at DLA Piper Denmark. He is recognised by Chambers, The Legal 500 and Who's Who Legal within ’EU & Competition’. 

Michael provides advice on competition law. In this respect, he advises on merger control, abuse of dominant position, cartels and state aid. Michael also lectures in competition law, including in compliance with the Danish Competition Act and the implications of non-compliance with the Act.  

Michael also advises on foreign investments (FDI regulation). A number of foreign investments must be authorised by the Danish authorities before being completed. Michael advises on these notifications to and procedures with the Danish Business Authority. Michael has extensive sector knowledge, including vast insight into the telecoms, TV and media industries.  

Finally, Michael advises on aspects of administrative law, including legal authority issues as well as case processing. In addition, Michael Klöcker has extensive experience in conducting proceedings before public authorities, including complaints boards and dispute resolution boards.


MBA, AVT Business School, 2018  

Admitted to the Danish Bar, 2010 

Master of Law, the University of Copenhagen, 2003 

Studies, the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, 2002 


The Danish Competition Law Society 

The Danish Association of European Law 

The Entertainment and Media Law Association in Denmark 

Danske Advokaters fagudvalg for konkurrenceret (specialist committee on competition law, the Association of Danish Law Firms) 

Recent highlights
  • Michael acted for HUGO BOSS in a case concerning potential infringement of the Danish Competition Act. The case concerned parallel distribution and sets the tone for how manufacturers having their own retail shops can collaborate with external distributors. 
  • Michael acted for Danish private equity company Polaris on the acquisition and merger of four bus companies into one company (Vikingbus). The merger needed approval by the competition authorities and was approved without conditions. Following the transaction, Vikingbus is today the largest player in the Danish market.    
  • Michael acted for Danish banking IT association Bankdata in a matter concerning Bankdata’s withdrawal terms. Bankdata chose to offer a commitment to address the concerns identified by the competition authorities, which meant that, in the future, a 5-year withdrawal period will no longer apply, but instead a 2½-year withdrawal period. 
Career highlights

Partner, DLA Piper Denmark, since 2017 

Partner, LETT (DLA Piper Denmark), 2016-2017 

Attorney, Gorrissen Federspiel, 2010-2016 

Bowman Attorneys, Johannesburg, South Africa, Senior Associate (secondment), 2013 

Legal Advisor, TDC, 2008-2010 

Special Advisor, the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, 2004-2008 

Head of Section, the (then) Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, 2003-2004 

Other positions

Member of the Board of Directors of Danish Pilot Service ApS 

Michael Klöcker is a part-time lecturer in administrative law at the University of Copenhagen.  

Legal 500

Michael is recognized as 'Next Generation Partner' within 'EU, Competition and Public Procurement' by The Legal 500. 

"Michael Klöcker is a formidable competition lawyer, with that extra intangible thing that makes a real difference. He’s very sharp in focusing on and analysing the most important issues only. He’s also very pleasant to work with."

"Michael Klöcker is a highly skilled competition lawyer. Always ready to go the extra mile."


Michael is recognized by Chambers within 'Competition/European Law'. 

"He is always a pleasure to work with."

"Very pragmatic in providing solutions to cases."

"Department head Michael Klöcker advises clients on a range of significant competition law matters, including cartel investigations, merger notifications and abuse of dominance allegations. Clients report that "he is helpful and pragmatic; he slices off everything you do not need and gives advice in a very concise and easily understood manner."

"Besides its legal competencies, DLA Piper has a deep understanding of our specific business which supports the legal advice and makes it directly usable for us."

Who's Who Legal

Michael is recommended by Who's Who Legal within "Competition".


Co-author of the Annotated Danish Competition Act (published in Danish only), Djøf Forlag, 2009